Travel to Chile

Traveling is one of my passions and my latest adventure was to Chile.

Traveling to Chile

We did a little bit of everything on this trip! We went to a little farmer’s/flea market type thing in the park where we found the most AMAZING antique record player which we later listened to and were completely blown away. We also found a cute ornament for the Christmas tree and also that hat I’m wearing in that picture.


Food in Chile

We found cool places to eat and discovered that Chile is NOT lacking in ice cream shops. Ice cream shops in Chile are like Starbucks in NYC…. on every corner. There were ice cream shops NEXT to other ice cream shops! My favorite flavors were Harina Tostada and Nocciola (Hazelnut). I started to crave it – which is when I knew I needed to stop. Haha! The hot spots for us were Coquinaria, Tiramisu, and Osaka. All three were awesome.

Dog Rescue in Chile

Chile also has a plethora of stray dogs! It made me sad. If you know me, you know I’m such a dog person. I named each one I saw, but it got to be too much so I just named them all “Marshmallow”…. because I can. I started to wonder if I could open a rescue shelter to bathe and take care of all the pups. Until I quickly remembered that I absolutely do NOT want to live in Chile. We literally almost brought one home until we found out she had an owner.


I got to do the tourist thing and visited museums, old churches, and parks, which I loved. Except for this one called MAC…. and knowing my love for MAC makeup you know I was super excited… Worst. Museum. Ever. It was like a bunch of depressed college kids put all of their angst and hatred together in one space and called it a museum. I’m all about people expressing their feelings through art, however, that is not a place I ever want to go back to. Uff! Shake it off!


Best Part of the Trip

The best day of all was when we took an adventure to a place called “Val Paraiso”…. we were told it was romantic and such an amazing place……. Nope. Not so much. We both wanted to go to a winery so we decided after a 45-minute train ride and an hour bus ride to Val Paraiso, that we’d get on another bus to another magical place…. that also was not what we were looking for. So we asked a cab driver (Julio) just to take us somewhere we could eat and have a glass of wine (by this point we were content with eating an empanada at the grocery store) and he ended up taking us to the most amazing winery! It was exactly what I had imagined in my mind before we got there and it exceeded any expectation I had! It was called House: Casa Del Vino. The food was great and the wine pairings were excellent.


The trip was amazing because of the company I was with and I stayed longer than originally expected due to a slight “being locked in the room and couldn’t get out because it was a holiday and the only other person that had a key, besides my boyfriend who was working, was the owner of the condo who was 2 hours away” thing… That definitely turned out for the best as I wasn’t ready to leave yet, I just didn’t know it.

Have you been to Chile? If so, what was your favorite part?


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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  1. 12.20.12

    love this!!!! great work honey! I went to Aruba and they had so many stray dogs and went through the same emotions too lol! I named one Mr. Bacon and I will never forget him! Bacon and Marshmallows, adorable.