Hi internet!
Happy Friday and welcome back! This week was a doozy, to say the least. In case you missed it, we have some water damage in our house and they started working on the outside this week. Holy jeez. They started by taking off all of the stone from the front of our home and it was loud AF and would scare the baby so it was loud inside too. My head is still pounding but I’m thankful that the first part is over. I’ve been using my essential oils like crazy this week to handle stress and anxiety so I wanted to share them with you too.
Balance : this is doTERRA’s grounding blend. The calming oils that are in this blend are already in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil, so you can really just put a roller on the top of this bottle and roll on yourself when you’re feeling anxious.
Peppermint & Wild Orange : these are two powerhouse oils for me when I need a quick pick me up, usually mid afternoon and right before bath time…. amiright? Put a drop of each in the palm of your hands, rub them together and inhale.
Are you into using essential oils? If so, what are your favorites and how do you de-stress??
Thanks for stopping by!
xo, Crystal
Get your Essential Oils at wholesale prices HERE!!