Hi friends! Here’s the reason (mostly) why I’ve been M.I.A! We’re pregnant with Baby #3 and we couldn’t be happier! I wanted to share with you my journey in the first trimester and give you all an update!
How we found out :
Basically in the beginning of December, Jonah and I had gone out to run errands and we ended up having lunch at UpBeet in Atlanta. I ate an ENTIRE salad there, and I’m not usually one to devour food. That was the first clue. Then we came home and I managed to fall asleep on the couch while the girls and the dogs were playing around me. Another thing I don’t do. So, we knew something was different. I took a pregnancy test that night and sure enough, Baby #3 was growing in my belly! I was about 2-3 weeks pregnant then, and with all of my pregnancies I’ve had symptoms early and positive test results early.
How I’ve been feeling :
I’m absolutely one of those women that LOVE being pregnant. I’ve had easy pregnancies thus far and thankfully this one isn’t any different. I did have some nausea and food aversions in the beginning weeks, but that subsided at about 9 weeks. I was definitely tired a lot and with having 2 children 3 and under – with one that stopped napping occasionally – it did become difficult at times with being so tired, but I managed. It’s really helped to do some cardio at night after the girls go to bed, to kind of decompress and just be with Baby #3.
Cravings :
In the beginning I only wanted gluten free crackers and vegan cheese spread. Random, I know. I haven’t had any crazy cravings yet, but I do try and stay on the healthier side of snacks if I do want something different. I’m am obsessing over ice water though. Now, if only my freezer made pebble ice…
Clothes :
We’re 4 months in and I’m still in my regular clothes. I haven’t really been wanting to wear anything other than my spanx leggings and a sweater, especially because it’s still a little chilly in Atlanta. I’ve never been in maternity clothes in the summer time but I’m excited for the cute summer clothes this year!
Gender :
We’re waiting for now! I don’t know why people think this is crazy, but we’ve waiting with both previous pregnancies and we love not knowing! Seeing as how we have 2 daughters, I MIGHT want to know if we are keeping the theme or switching it up with a boy …. but for now, we’re waiting.
Another question I get is the difference in my pregnancies and I can tell you that every pregnancy so far has been pretty much the same!
I’m planning on doing a weekly pregnancy update on the blog, so if you have any additional questions just let me know!
Thanks for stopping by!