Week and size :
We are 17 weeks along and the baby is the size of a Pomegranate (5.1 in long, 5.9 oz)!
Cravings or Aversions:
I’m really into decaf espresso right now, but I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy or that I just like espresso!
Weight Gain :
5 lbs (no change)
Gender & Baby Names :
We will be finding out the gender, but not sure if we’ll be sharing until the birth day! We’re not set on a name yet.
How I’m feeling :
This week has been a difficult one. I’ve been feeling great pregnancy wise, but our first two are definitely in a “pushing buttons” stage and this mama is ready for a break! We’ve been prepping for a vacation, which is NEEDED for me right now.
How I’m sleeping :
Olivia’s been waking up every night at 3am for no apparent reason, but other than that I’m resting ok. I don’t think I’m that far into the pregnancy to be uncomfortable sleeping.
Excercise :
Still on the treadmill after the girls go to bed, and I love it because it gives me a chance to catch up on silly tv shows and not have to actually think about anything! haha
Best Moment of the Week :
It’s Friday baby!
Maternity Favorites :
I still haven’t pulled maternity clothes out, but I’m for sure ready to be in dresses and nothing constricting.
Let me know if you have any other questions to add to my weekly FAQ’s! Thanks for stopping by!