Hi friend! Have you heard of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program? Let me tell you a little bit about it! Amanda Tress is the creator of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, and she teaches her clients how to burn fat and live a truly healthy lifestyle through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, whole food nutrition, strategic workouts, and a positive mindset.
I’ve decided to join my friend and FASTer Way coach, Casey Brothers in her next round starting on September 21st and I would love it if you would join me! It’s an opportunity to make positive changes in your health and wellness journey in a 6-week experience where you’ll get weekly meal plans (vegan options as well) and daily 30 minute workouts! You’ll teach your body how to burn fat instead of carbs, how to intermittent fast, and you’ll learn how to track your macronutrients optimizing your results!
You guys know that I love a good at-home workout and I love the convenience of the FASTer Way app to get it in! Casey will also be there every step of the way cheering us on and helping us with whatever we need!
Just to kick it off, here’s a FREEBIE at home work out guide just for YOU!
There’s a plan for the men in your life too! Check it out HERE.
What do you say?? Are you in?? You can sign up HERE! I hope to see you there!