5 Things to Do for Yourself as a Mom

As a mom, sometimes it can be challenging to find time to do things for yourself, but we all know that we need it! Whether you’re a mom of one or a mom of 5, we all need to do things for ourselves every once in a while so here are some ideas to help you get started.

Wear Outfits That You Love

I don’t know about you, but when I put on an outfit that I love, I feel confident and radiant and joy-filled. When it comes to running errands, being productive, and even going out with friends, you need to choose outfits that will make you feel good. Fashion has always been an integral part of my life (I majored in Fashion Design and have always wanted to create my own clothing line), and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t put thought and effort into what I’m wearing. Even in my athleisure, I plan what I’m going to wear and I’m always 100% happy with what I’m wearing! Don’t forget, if you’re happy on the inside it’ll show on the outside!

self care as a mom

Spend Time Alone

I’ve always been the kind of person who needs a lot of alone time, and I don’t get nearly enough. If I have time to spare, I honestly love to spend some downtime by myself. Not only is this an excellent way to regroup and refocus on who we are as an individual, in addition to being a parent, but, for me, it’s so rejuvenating to take care of myself by remembering that I’m my own best friend. Do keep in mind, however, an adequate amount of time spent with family and friends is just as important as alone time! It’s all a balancing act.

things to do for yourself as a mom

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Spa Days

Who doesn’t like going to the Spa, am I right? Nowadays, with COVID, Spa’s are taking extra precautions while still delivering stellar service and amazing experiences. Whether it’s going to get a Mani/Pedi, a facial, massage, or spending the entire day getting pampered, sometimes we need to unplug and let someone else take care of us for a change!

Regular Dental Appointments

Regular dental appointments are a must for all moms for a few reasons. First of all, if you are a new mom, your teeth go through some trauma during pregnancy, so it’s best to get them checked out throughout your pregnancy and after, as well. Second of all – dental issues correlate with overall health issues and as a mom, that’s the last thing you need. So, keep up with the regular dental appointments to keep your teeth and health in tip-top shape. A dentist such as Dr. Simms at Metro Decatur Dental Group PC will know exactly what your teeth need, whether it is just a bi-annual cleaning, teeth whitening, or even a service to repair cracked teeth in Decatur GA.  Metro Decatur Dental Group PC is dedicated to providing the most up-to-date general, orthodontic, and family dentistry services out there. Their clinic is a world-class facility for the treatment of tooth loss, dental cosmetics, and advanced restorative dentistry and they are among the most qualified implant providers in GA. When you visit Dr. Simms, you know that you’re in good hands!


Cut Yourself Some Slack

We’re not perfect but it’s your job as a mom to teach your kids to love themselves and we all know to lead with example, especially with our kids. I know these suggestions are simple, but that’s what’s interesting about self-care – it’s often these little, basic rituals that are easily infused into everyday life that have the most significant impact. I have another self-love post HERE if you want to see more examples of how I fit self-love and self-care into my daily habits.


With that being said, know that taking care of ourselves doesn’t have to be extravagant. Often, it’s the tiny ways we show ourselves the love that reflects back the most powerfully, and not just to us but to our kids, who are learning (from us) how to love themselves. It’s these small things we do that become our habits, that become our days, that become our years, that become our lives. Do these things for yourself as a mom and you will be much happier in the long-run.



FTC: This is a sponsored post.


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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