Healthy Habits

Happy Thursday! I wanted to share with you some healthy habits that I’ve adopted in the past year that have helped me stay on track with my mindset every day. Personal development is a big part of my life and I’m always looking for ways to improve. There are a number of ideas to add to your healthy habits list and here are just a few.

A Morning Routine

Having a morning routine for me is a game-changer. I often get asked how I can get myself fully ready in the morning as a mom of 3 girls ages 5 and under and the answer is always my morning routine. I usually plan my outfit out the night before and I wake up before my girls do so that I can journal, meditate, and get myself ready for the day. If this doesn’t happen, I feel like I’m catching up for the rest of the day and I don’t like that feeling.

Daily Exercise

I try to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and I’m normally taking a class on the OpenFit app. They even have 9-10 minute classes that target one area of the body, if you don’t have much time so there’s no excuse for me to at least do something daily and I always feel good afterwards!

daily work out

Drink More Water

This one is an obvious given, but sometimes I need the reminder. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. There are jugs that you can buy on Amazon that can help with your water intake and even have happy and encouraging words along the way. Here’s the one I use.


Manifestation works hand in hand with affirmations. Affirmations are like your wish list to the Universe. Our daughters always start and end their day with affirmations and we are teaching them that the way that they talk to themselves matters most for their mindset, not to mention their self-esteem.

Find a good Therapist

I started going to therapy when I was 16 years old because my father was an alcoholic and I knew that I needed help. More on that journey in this post. Finding a therapist wasn’t easy and it took several tries before I landed on someone that I could really connect with and that was able to help me get through some hurdles in life. Some people think that therapy isn’t for everyone, but I believe that having a therapist to talk to about anything and everything can really help in which ever stage of life that you’re in.


Hear me out on this one. Therapy is one of my main suggestions, but why not take it a step further if you’re really having a difficult time in a certain area? Sean Wheeler at Pure Hypnosis is Atlanta’s best-known hypnotherapist and has helped more than 3,000 clients produce powerful and immediate changes with his techniques. Between relationship issues, losing weight, fears, and anxiety, he can help you overcome those obstacles. You can even use hypnosis to stop drinking soda! You can schedule a free consultation with him to determine if it would be a good fit for you, and there’s no commitment. Check him out at



I’ve always kept a journal or diary, ever since I was a kid, and now as an adult, I find it to be such an amazing tool to be able to get things out that I don’t need to keep bottled up. I journal every morning and even sometimes at night and journaling was especially helpful while I was going through postpartum depression. You can look back and see all of the things that you’ve accomplished or things that may have seemed difficult in the past you can see in a new light. Journaling is one of my favorite things to do, and I think I have so many journals that I don’t know what to do with them!

Skin Care Routine

I have a morning and a nightly skincare routine and it’s so ingrained in my life that it’s like I’m on autopilot sometimes. My nighttime skincare routine is my time to just unwind and reflect on the day while doing some self-care. My favorite brands for skin care are Beauty Counter, Honest Beauty, and Beauty Bio. I’ve always been somewhat obsessed with taking care of my skin and I have a strict regimen of washing all of my makeup off every night before I go to bed. Read more about my skincare routine here.

how to self care

Keep Learning

You’re never too old to keep learning and I’ve always loved to learn. I love using Skillshare for online classes on basically anything you can think of! I’ve taken photography, creative writing, editing, and am starting piano lessons all on Skillshare! Pick up a new book and sitting for even a few minutes a day to read can help center you and help you be more present.


I hope you enjoyed learning about some of my daily habits and that you can take one or more with you in your own life! Do you have any healthy habits that have helped you? Leave them in the comments!


FTC: This is a sponsored post.


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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