Time Management Tips for a Busy Mom

Crystal Levy

As we get to the end of the year, I get questions about how I do it all and the quick and honest answer is, I don’t. Not all at the same time, anyway. As a work-from-home mom of 3 girls under the age of 6, I truly believe that time management as a mom is important and will serve everyone around you. Between homeschooling, getting work done, housekeeping, and extracurricular activities for the girls, I know how hard it can be to manage it all. Here are some of my time management tips for a busy mom.


Beginning and ending your days with meditation.

If you’re a newbie to mediation, you might be looking at me with a side-eye right now, but hear me out. Even starting with 5 minutes in the morning can help you set your mindset to a positive state to take on the day. There are plenty of guided meditations out there if you need a bit of assistance or you can sit and work on your breathing for 5 minutes before you start “doing” for the day. Trust me, it makes a huge difference when you start your day with intention.

Taking another 5 minutes before going to bed to breathe out the dailies and go to bed with a clear and calm heart so you’re ready to tackle the next day, is extremely helpful for your overall calm.

How to get better at scheduling yourself as a mom

Scheduling yourself out during the day.

I’m not saying that you should plan out every minute of every day, but I am saying that scheduling your days out can really help set your expectations so that you’re not left grumpy and disappointed at the end of the day.

Having a morning routine as a Mom.

Personally, schedule my day out in blocks of time. I have to set “business hours” for myself and that is when I do emails, talk to my coaching clients, and do other business-like tasks which makes my mornings feel a lot more productive than they used to. We also homeschool, so we have a block of time set out for that, and so on.

Meal Planning as a Mom.

If you’re like me, the last thing you want to do is try to figure out what to make for dinner each night, am I right? I’m not the chef of the house, and to be honest, recipes are the absolute last thing on my mind so I will try anything to make that time easier on myself. Meal planning can be as simple as writing down your meal ideas for the week on a calendar and then calling it a day. Yes, you can probably meal “prep” and makes things ahead of time, but I am not about that life my friend. Having a theme for some days of the week really helps as well, and our girls love when sushi night or burger night rolls around and they know what to expect.

Make a to-do list the night before.

If I have a longer day planned than normal, it helps to make a to-do list the night before to make sure I don’t forget anything important that needs to get done. I’m definitely a lists person, and I tend to have an ongoing list that usually gets overwhelming and I don’t end up getting any of it done (oops). However, I’m talking about a short and specific list for specific things that need to get done – notice a theme? Write that one down the night before and you’ll be set for the next day.

I’m a big fan of the Passion Planner, but I’ll add some other options for you to make your lists.

Wake Up Before Your Kids

Make time for yourself.

I’m not saying you should wake up at 4 am if you’re kids wake up at 6 am, trust me. However, I am suggesting that even 20 minutes before your kids wake up can give you a jump start on your day. Taking that time to meditate, stretch, or just get ready without interruption can absolutely help you shift your mindset and set you up for success. Check out THIS blog post for more ideas on how to self-care as a mom.

Nighttime Routine for a Busy Mom

Bedtime Routine for Women.

Our girls have a bedtime routine every night, but who says that we also don’t need a nighttime routine for women? Having a nighttime routine helps wind you down from the day and preps you for getting a good night’s sleep. They say it’s good to turn off technology at least 30 minutes before bedtime, so maybe instead of watching random TV, you read a few pages of a new book, or journal how you felt about the day, or do a guided meditation for a restful sleep. Whatever you choose to do before bed, taking at least 15 minutes to reflect before you sign off for the night can help set your mindset to a positive state so that you can start again the next day.


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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